Friday, December 11, 2009

Open Season?

I've often wondered since I got pregnant if the entire world thinks because I am pregnant that they are free to comment on everything about me. It's amazing the people that feel like it's their place to make judgement. The worst are the women. I've had the extreme on both ends, people that let me know I'm huge and those who think I'm way too small. My Mom suggested I get a shirt that says "Go To He--" on it, or maybe even stop them mid sentence with "If you're making a rude comment, don't talk to me". I thought I would compile a list of some of the comments I've received.
1- "You're not a house, you're a duplex!"
2- Once finding out we were having twins ... "Oh, what fertility drugs did you take?"
3- "That studio apartment is too small!"
4- "You are starving those babies!"
5- "You should get a belly cast, you wont believe how huge you are after their born!"
6- "You just look bigger everyday!"
7- "Oh my Gosh, are you sure there are two in there" (not sure if that was a "your too small" or a "there might be three or four", I wasn't asking.)
8- "Oh, there's that waddle we've been watching for!"
9- "YOU ARE SO HUGE, DON'T POP!" (yelled at me in Kohl's)
... And my favorite
10- "You should stay sitting, it hurts my feelings to watch you walk!"

Yeah, people are awesome! Seriously, I will never tell a pregnant girl that she is anything but beauitful.


Lauralee said...

You could make a shirt that says "Why yes there are more than one in there. Thanks for NOT asking"

Manda Jane Clawson said...

Wow.... people are classy.

Screaming Grasshopper said...

I sure hope I have never stuck my foot in my mouth for you! :(

I think you are a gorgeous pregnant lady! People are amazing at what they feel it is their "right" to say. Just wait until you take the girls out the first time together (it doesn't matter if they are newborns or a year old)-- people think they can touch & comment just because there are TWO!

I am excited to see your precious little girls! :) And of course to see what you and Josh decide to name them! :)

mom said...

Amber,in all the years I have been around, you are one of the only women that Mom know that have never completed.
It does matter have you are feeling you always say to Mom, "I am doing fine." People as a whole just don't think. The saying open mouth put foot in. Really many people should be doing that, with want they have said to you.
In my eye's Amber you are really cute, pregnant. "YOU LOOK WONDERFUL." Like I said to you, you need to buy a shirt that says "Go to He---", or Yes I am pregent and having twins."
I am getting so excited to meet these beautiful girls. We have waited so long for them.
Always remember people are just people, and they talk before they think.
"YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!! You look wonderful, and yes I am your Mom, and very proud of it.
Love you