Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Update on the Twins

Yesterday, Josh and I went to the see Dr. Hutch. He is amazing but we always have to wait forever for him. My appointment was at 11:30 and I didn't see him until 1:00. I got weighed which was fun for me. I've lost 10 lbs exactly since my last appointment and although I've been taking some crap from people about it my doctor said that I didn't need to worry. He told me to remember that I am only eating for one, not for three, and if he sees a problem he will let me know. So it looks like I don't have to gain 60 lbs afterall. We got to hear the babies heart beats. They were at 178 and 167 which is a lot higher than last month when they were at 134 and 140. We also could hear them moving around which was an interesting sound that sounded a lot like I was passing gas. It was embarassing until Hutch told me that the sound was them moving. It was neat.

Hutch also told us the differences between a single and a multiple pregnancies. Basically everything is the same until about 18 weeks. Then you start to experience everything earlier. So what women experience at 25 weeks I will experience at 20 weeks. Interesting. Plus after week 18 we have an ultrasound everytime we go in. Just to make sure that the babies are growing and that one isn't dominating the other. So hopefully next time they will be able to see what the babies genders are. At first I thought that one was for sure a boy; but yesterday I started thinking that they are both girls. So I have no idea! I'll just be happy with whatever I get.

I also got some other interesting news. When we went in for the ultrasound the ultrasound tech told me that the babies were fraternal. Well my doctor told me that they've found you can have identical twins and they can have separate placentas. So the only way to know if they are fraternal is if they are different genders or if after they are born they look physically different. Interesting, I had no idea. Apparently no one else did either because no one bothered to correct me. So we may have fraternal twins, we may have identical twins, they may be boys or girls or one of each.

I also had to have some tests run. I went to the lab and there was this huge poly lady sitting behind the desk and she was going to draw my blood. I was terrified, I just knew she was gonna kill me; but she was the best ever. I barely felt the needle. I'm surprised that I have any blood left because they took so much (6 large viles, 4 small ones). Then I had to pee in a cup twice, so the second time they only got about 1/2 a mL. Hope that was enough, I guess we'll see.

To top off the visit, I had to meet with the financial department. She went over my benefits, which are amazing. They pay 100% of the charges and all I have to pay is one $20.00 co-payment. I also found out that because we are having twins the delivery charge doubles. So instead of being $3000.00 now it's $6000.00. (Thank You Insurance). I guess the extra 20 minutes they spend with you and the extra baby they catch warrants a double charge, whatever! But the sad news is that I may not get to deliver at the hospital I want. Originally I had planned to deliver at Jordan Valley; but once we found out it was twins Hutch suggested we go to the new IMC Hospital since they have an NICU just in case. That way the babies wont have to be transfered. Well, supposably, my insurance wont cover that hospital so now I have to fight my insurance on it. That should make for an exciting phone conversation. So wish me luck, I've got my 'fightin' words' ready!


mom said...

I am so greetful that you have not been sick and that the babies are doing so great. All I can say is that we are so blessed.
I am so excited to be able to have you see them and watch them move and play, it is so exciting.
I hope that they will be able to see want the gender will be, but most of all to see that they are both okay.
I know that Grandpa and Grandma are taking great care of these two and that they are teaching them all they need to know so that they will be able to tess you and Josh the way GRANDPA want them to.

Love you

Ali said...

Yay healthy babies! :) Don't let people give you crap for loosing weight, tons of pregnant ladies loose weight during first trimester, it's normal. And that is so exciting that you get an ultrasound every time starting at 18 weeks! It is amazing to see how babies grow and you are so lucky you get to see every stage! Thanks for the update! :)

Screaming Grasshopper said...


Isn't he amazing? I had no idea about the twins thing either! Makes sense though.....

You are going to be a great mom & Josh'll be a great dad. The ultrasounds are so much fun-- Nancy does a great job. I hope that your babies will be positioned so you can see their faces. If you want I can bring over Had's u/s pics so you can get an idea.....

I just get so excited!!!!!
