Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Totally Freaked Out!

So, coutesy of our IT genious at work, I am officially terrified that some terrorist in the Middle East is now reading my blog and stealing my identity as I write. In our meeting today at work he showed us how he could take a random blog and find out enough info on someone to be able to steal their identity (he did this with three people). Now to me that is frightening. So I started thinking, in all honesty I am a blog stalker. I am constantly reading blogs of people I know and don't know without leaving any sort of messages to say I've been there. So I thought, not in the "I'm totally awesome" way, that maybe there are people that stalk my blog too. He gave us a few tips on how to keep your identity more secure.

1- Use Nicknames instead of real names (Britt does this and people that matter to her know what their real names are, so that helps)

2- Do not disclose where you were born, went to school, currently live or work. (Not even the state because bad guys can guess the first 5 of your social with relative accuracy.)

3- He said never write about vacations until you are back from said vacation.

4- Never post anything that you wouldn't want the entire world to read, because once you do Google never forgets.

5- Go private. (Although they say there are ways around this, at least you are trying)

So after much paranoia I have decided that I'm taking my blog private. I'll probably do this around the beginning of August before I announce what the twins will be and their prospective names (which of course will be nicknames, thanks Britt) . I realize this is inconvienient for many but I must be able to say that I'm doing all I can to prevent anything bad happening to my family. So for those of you who would like to be invited to view my blog leave me a message with your email or you can send me an email at


Manda Jane Clawson said...

Scott and I were tracking our blog to see where people were coming from when they were looking at our blog and the numbers totally freaked me out so that's why we closed ours :) With the babies coming I don't blame you for closing it up! Just don't forget to invite me :)

Rissy & Spence said...

Hey Amber & Josh,

I would like u to invite me & Spencer to our guys blog are e-mail is I miss u guys bunches hope we can get together with ur family for a nice barbque. U are so amazing & takke care hope to stay in touch with u. Take have super week TTYL ur friends, Marissa & Spencer

Ali said...

Well I know for sure that my sister in law looks at all of my friends blogs so I am sure she has read yours too. She even know's the names of my friends kids...she is not crazy, just gets bored and likes reading blogs. Anyway so it is smart of you to go private, but you better add me so that I can still read it! :)

Screaming Grasshopper said...

Girl-- I would LOVE to still be on your blog list.... this is why I've only had my blog private... if you don't have my gmail acct it is the same as my blog name.... call me if you need it.
