Monday, April 8, 2013

Cavities, who cares?

My girls have gotten into this bad habit that right before they go to bed and after they brush their teeth they ask for cereal.

I try and say "No" but how can you turn down your child when they insist that they are "so hungry"? I can't.

Well last night the girls were being little pains and we did the baths, meds, teeth brushing, story, and prayer. They were on their way to bed (at 9:30 I might add, victory!) and Katie says, "Mom, I'm so hungry I want cereal." I proceed to tell her that if she continues to eat after brushing her teeth that she will get cavities.

Of course my 3 year olds have no idea what cavities are so I tell Josh to pull up a picture of the most awful cavitie he can find and show them a picture.

Maddie come to me after and tells me that she doesn't want to get cavities because cavities are gross and they hurt.

I say "Yep, so that's why we can't eat cereal after brushing our teeth for bed".

Maddie, in all seriousness replys "I won't eat cereal anymore after brushing my teeth, I'll have Ice Cream."

I think we missed the boat on that one.

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