Tuesday, August 11, 2009

5 Random Things We've Been Up To

1- Our House is looking Awesome, almost back to normal, and we are three days away from Hump Day. (Post to follow on Friday)

2- We went camping up at Strawberry Res. with my parents, Amanda, and Megan & Dave. I learned the a pregnant woman should never attempt to sleep in the same sleeping bag she fit in when she was 8. As a result of that night I've also decided what my parents are getting for Christmas (but I can't tell you because my Mom reads my blog, just know it's a great idea).

3- Josh went fishing and actually caught a fish. He was so happy about it one would have thought it was his first catch ever. Dan also caught a fish but his was illegal to keep so they high tailed it back to camp so they could stash it in the freezer. Oh, and it took me 3 washes to get the fish smell out of Josh's sweatshirt, good times.

4- We went on a little nature hike by the camp. My balance wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but my Mom's is. (If you've seen the new Kool-Aid commericial with the pop running on a log, picture my mother there instead. It was priceless.)

5- I learned that if you super glue your fingers to a paper towel and a magnet to the counter you get it off by using Finger Nail Polish Remover, not by freaking out and using a knife to take the finish off your beautiful granite countertops. Thank heaven for google, a knife to my finger wasn't the brightest idea I have ever had.


Michelle said...

Glad to know you still have all your fingers. We had a mishap with glueing the super glue bottle to the bottom of our garbage can when we first bought our house...ok well kyle had a mishap.

Erick and Janette said...

So I must have my head under a rock or something, I didn't know you were preggers!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys! And are you building a new house or remodeling? What have you been up to??? We desperately need to catch up!