Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Right When You Think Things Can't Get Any Worse!

Last night at 11:00 we woke up to our house shaking. We thought there was an earthquake but when we went outside there were two men accross the street cussing and swearing. We then thought we had walked into the middle of a gun fight. We went back inside and looked out the window only for Josh to ask "Where is your car?" Yeah, some drunk idiot illegal Mexican with unknown names ran through my front yard, hit my car which spinned around and hit the back of his car and went through the corner of my garage. It's a nightmare.

The kid in this photo was the passanger who fled the sceen after waking up from being passed out!

We've been told the car is totalled but we're still working on getting things rolling to get it all settled. The police report includes witnesses that said this 21 year old kid was going about 100 mph around the corner when he lost control. Horray for us!


Andrea said...

I was so mad for you when I found out!!! if you need anything let me know!

Manda Jane Clawson said...

Oh my gosh Amber that is so crazy! I hope the insurance will cover everything for you guys :( I'm sorry!!

Anonymous said...


That probably sucks a little more than throwing up in your purse! I hope the insurance company is good to you. What a nightmare! (but it makes for a good blog story!!)