Monday, April 27, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why the Dunes Trip Sucked...

1- It was Cold, it rained, and the wind blew most of the time. We had to set the Camp Chef behind this board to block the wind from blowing out the pilot light.

2- We All Forgot Something (I forgot my baby meds. & Allison forgot her helmets)

3- The line bringing water into our toilet broke (while I was peeing) and water was everywhere. So we had to turn the pump off and had no water in the trailer just the supposedly clean water from the line right out side the outhouse. I'm hoping no one comes home with Hepititus B.

4- Spencer and Ethan both got flat tires (on different days while in the middle of a ride).

5- I left my knee cap on a trial along with the massive rock that shot off Ryan's back tire and wacked me.

6- My Parent's truck died in Delta while taking Spencer's flat tire to get fixed. Josh and I had to go rescue them and their truck is still there. (Along with the trailer that has taken up residence in the Ranger Station)

7- Diane had her tonsels removed on Monday and her stitches came out. She started puking up blood (looked more like Jell-o) and I get woken up to the sound of panic when I'm told to "take the baby (really meant all 4 kids), we're taking her to the hospital"

8-My adorable reason for getting no sleep: Addy

Between holding her and keeping Chad from falling to his death off the top bunk there was no hope.


Travis is sick so his medicine made him have diarrhea, Addy has army green crap, and Kevin produces something that glows in the dark and should be labeled nuclear waste. A guy at the sewage disposal center forgot to attatch a hose to his septic tank and upon opening the door recieved a handful of crap (literally). Poor guy, he definitly wouldn't be riding home in my car. I'd tie him to the roof.(But then I would feel sorry for whomever chose to follow me, but I'm sure Kyle would laugh)

10- Apollo Burger has no changing tables! I had to lay the baby on the floor (ontop of a blanket of course, what kind of babysitter do you think I am?) and while sqatting to change said diaper I tore a hole in the crotch of my favorite pants.

All in all it was the worst Dunes Vacation ever, but I managed to laugh about it so I could avoid crying. Who want's to come next year?


Allie said...

I would love to go next year as long as we dont have the same luck we did this year.

mom said...

Count Dad and I in! Do you think that we want to miss out in all the fun. You never know we may have the sun next year.

Love Mom

Andrea said...

LOL I never heard about the pants tearing! I didn't think anything else could could go wrong!!! Yet we all managed to have fun!

WonderKitty said...

Holy Crap Amber! (no pun intended) I can't belive what you guys went through! I hope you can get the truck back soon.

Manda Jane Clawson said...

Wow that is a crazy vacation! I hope your next trip goes by better!

Erick and Janette said...

I am SO sorry you had a crappy time at the dunes! I think everyone has a story like that, I do. Crappiest camping trip ever. Hope ya'll recover quickly and can go next year with out nightmares!

Ali said...

Wow sounds like an adventure!!