Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is Grandma's Birthday so I just wanted to take a moment to remember her. She played a huge part in my life and I owe much of the person I am today to her. She was an amazing woman, one of the greatest people I've ever known and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for her presence in my life. I would not have been the same without her. Grandma was one of those rare people that never "got old". She and Grandpa meant the world to both Josh and I, and we spent most of our free time with them. I didn't have conventional Grandparents, they didn't sit in thier rocking chairs all day or smell weird, they were out there with the rest of us on the Four Wheelers or to the Movies. I hardly have a memory of my childhood that doesn't include my Grandparents. Although I spent a lot of time with them it wasn't nearly enough. In a way I took them for granted, I thought they would always be around, obviously I was wrong. I chose for a long time to be bitter about it, but now I'm trying to be grateful for the time I had. So Happy Birthday Grandma, I hope you know you're missed!


Ali said...

It is so hard loosing someone we love! I have heard a lot about your grandparents and they seem like AMAZING people!

Lou said...

thank you for posting that it was really good. they are missed every moment of the day by me, spenc keeps wishing he could of meet grandpa and got to know grandma more. i tell him about them all the time. they are amazing people and missed alot. you are lucky you got to spend more time with them, i wished i got to.

mom said...

Thank you for remember Grandma;
I am so grateful that we spent all the time we did with them. Even though it was very hard having to go to work everyday, I am so glad that you girls were able to be with Grandma and Grandpa like you were. I think that we all have had a very hard time with them being gone, but I am told all the time that they are here we just can not see them. I am so grateful that we have the memories that we do with them, like you said the ATV rides/camping, the great trip all over that we had. There is not a day that goes by that I don't wish that I could just talk to them and be with them for just alittle bit. Thank Am for letting me think back for just aminute.
Love you