Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekly Woes

This week has been an interesting one. A lot has been happening so I will start from the beginning...

1) We went to the doctor for our monthly ultrasound. Usually my ultrasound tech is Nancy (whom I love) and she is always so friendly and concerned. You see, Nancy and I have something in common. We both were stuggling to get pregnant as a result of the same condition and we both got pregnant around the same time only she's having boys and I am having girls. With that said, Nancy always adds to our little baby video and gives us lots of cute pictures. Well this time Nancy wasn't there. We got this new tech who was a little grouchy. She just did everything really fast and didn't explain anything. She gave us three pictures one of Baby A and two of Baby B (but one was of her feet; cute, but not what I was going for). Also, the pictures are of them staring straight at us so they look like skeletons with clown faces. It was disappointing, however, still nice to see them.

2) I turned in my paperwork for FMLA because you must give them at least 30 days notice to qualify and Hutch told me not to make plans after Turkey Day, so, I get my approval letter from the CEO and there is a list of about 10 rules and or reasons to keep qualified for FMLA. Reason #7 was as follows, "Seeing as you are not a "key employee" at GFCU you do qualify for 12 weeks of leave under the FMLA." Well I was apparently unaware of how "NOT A KEY EMPLOYEE" I am because apparently I am being ousted from my possition in the call center and being forced to take a possition that's lower than that because I am having a baby. I was shocked, apparently they just have to take you back with the same pay and benefits but not at the same possition. They are looking for someone to replace me that is willing to work full time. Well sorry, but that just isn't an option for me and for that I'm being cut off. I think my supervisor feels bad about it seeing as she called me the other day to apologize and tell me she's upset about it; but apparently she has no say in it.

3) We finally picked a pediatrition for the girls. We chose Dr. Dale Chapman at GMC after we got a bunch of referals to him. He specializes in respiratory issues which is fabulous considering Josh's family has a lot of kids with asthma. Better to be safe than sorry. He spent 45 minutes talking to us about everything from hospital visits, to clinic hours, and his theory of Breast Feeding vs. Bottle Feeding (he's not extreme one way or the other). He also told me, in a very stern voice, to not take my babies anywhere except the doctors office for at least three months. So apparently I will be out of commision for quite a while. I'm sure people think that is a bit extreme but I figure he wouldn't suggest it if there wasn't a good reason for it. Apparenly he's so popular there that he isn't taking new patients and I had to get in touch with his nurse in order to get him to see us, however, once she heard our last name we were in. Josh's whole family goes to him. We waited to see him for about an hour, just like Hutch I told Josh that you have to wait to see the good doctors to which he responded "Can't you just pick an average doctor?" I laughed and was instantly grateful for him and his lack of complaining about things. We love Dr. Chapman and think he will work out great for our family.

4) HUNTING SEASON: We went hunting this weekend for the first time. Josh got all the gear and we put in for the licence, packed our trailer and went up to Flaming Gorge for the weekend. We stayed in a camp area with Kyle and Michelle, Nate's Family, Tonja's Family, and James' Extended Family. I had a good time however there were some people in attendence who got on everyones nerves a bit and was doing an excessive amount of complaining. Needless to say, we wont be camping with the "extended family" again. However, I think for the most part people had a good time, I did at least. Poor Handsome didn't even see a buck, he said he could have brought home 60 Doe but not one buck, it was a bummer but I still think he's planning to go next year. The sights up there were beautiful and I also found out that orange is not really my color. In fact, I'm not sure that florescent orange is anyones color but I was willing to look stupid to avoid being mistaken for a deer.

5) I came home from hunting a little bit sick. My nose is congested and my throat is soar. I've developed a little cough and today I have done nothing but watch television and lounge in my pjs. I did attempt to take a bath just to relax and for the first time I saw my belly move when the babies kicked me, I can't wait for Josh to come home so he can see it too. It's a strange thing to watch body parts moving involuntarily however it just makes the fact that I am close to becoming a mother much more realistic. (I'm sure the realism will really kick in once they both cry at the same time and I'm the only one here; but I'm grateful for it anyway). I'm getting very excited to meet my little girls and Josh is constantly talking about them, we can't wait.


Screaming Grasshopper said...

There are so many hurray & commiserating worthy things in this post!

#1- Awesome that Nancy is finally pregnant! :)

#2- The girls are doing great!

#3- You are feeling up to doing things still (like camping- I camped in March when Andrew was born in April.... we're crazies!)

#4- FMLA is great in that you are ensured your job but other than that it really gives you squat. Just remember, you being part time means they don't own you. Your life is not theirs. They are a paycheck and nothing more.

#5- Yippee on finding a pediatrician that you are comfortable with and enjoy talking to! He sounds wonderful & honestly I really don't think it is that out there to keep the babies home for 3 months-- they are being born when RSV and other illnesses may be running rampant. Add to that they they'll most likely be a little premature and honey- if he told you to keep them in for 12 months I would say do it! It is hardest on mommy but they are worth the struggle!

#6- Hurray for hunting but boo for coming home feeling yucky. Hopefully it is just a mild reaction to the weather you endured!

I am so excited as things get closer and closer for you!!!



(p.s. some advice that you can take or leave-- I would not let one single person-- I don't care who they are-- touch those girls without hand washing AND use of some hand sanitizer. They are so vulnerable and at risk, if people complain well TOUGH because YOU are the MOM and it is YOUR JOB to protect those girls. With your children relatives/people/strangers/church members/friends/etc need to follow the rules YOU set for your children. *rant over*

mom said...

Amber:It was neat seeing the girls, and knowing that they are growning. I'm so greatful that you are doing so good and pray everyday that you continue. I am so excited the time is getting closer. I also pray that the girls don't come to soon, that they will be able to grow and be really healthy so that they will not need to stay in the hospital after they are born. It is exciting that you are able to see them from the outside and they are able to show you that they are here. It will be fun to hear Josh talk about seeing them when he does.
You to are going to be so cute as Parents, these little girls are going to be so loved. Like I say the girls aready have you and Josh raped around their finger. I think it is funny that when the girls hear Josh's voice they start moving.
I was so glad that you was able to go camping you have away loved being outside and spending time with Josh.
Amber remember that work is there and the money will help, but you and your family is number one. When you and your sister were little and even know it doesn't matter want I am doing as long as I can be there for all of you.
Remember I will always be there for you, and want to help you anyway I can.
Love you,

Lauralee said...

Wow, what a hard job being an ultrasound tech and having a hard time getting pregnant...that just breaks my heart! So glad she was able to get pregnant! FMLA does have it's "ways" but we are lucky it is there to save us a job. Sometimes wording on things just sucks.
I'm glad you liked Dr. Chapman! We have been SO happy with him. You can tell he really is there because of the kids and not for money. He takes extra precautions and doubles checks things too. He takes no chances so that's way good.
I SOOOO agree with the staying home thing AND the hand washing thing!!! With all the winter sickie's that go around it really is best to not take chances. And I can tell you this from WAY to much experience: Twins, esp. when they are babies, seem to be a novelty to people while in public!!! They come flocking to see and TO FREAKING TOUCH! I HATED that so much. And you'd be surprised at how many people don't listen to you either. And you end up having to raise your voice. The first time we split the boys up (one stayed at home w/Jonathan and the other went to Walmart with me) they where probably 6 or 7 months old and it was so odd to me to be walking through the store cause no bodies heads turned, no one came running over to see, no comments and fingers reaching to pinch their cheeks. It was awesome! Some just don't get it I guess. I think that it's rather rude to just thouch a strangers baby but then again when it's the older grandma ladies you can tell they really don't mean any harm, they are just being grandma like but they still shouldnt touch. Hopefully you can keep them in your belly until 38 weeks! They will be that much stronger in SO many ways. And like you said, this family does have a history of asthma and the longer you can make it the stronger their lungs will be. The percentage of things being better for the babies are so much higher at 38 weeks as opposed to 37 weeks and of course 37 weeks is that much better than 36 weeks. Of course there is always the chance that there could be the common health issue that would cause them to have to get the babies here sooner. Hopefully that won't be the case! When your doctor said he won't stop labor when you are 34 weeks did he mean that if you start having contractions and taking medication that they usually perscribe (like I think it was called terbutaline or turbutaline that they gave me just in case and it was just a pill) doesnt stop the contractions at home and so you go into the hospital THEN he won't do anything to stop it? Or is he not even going to give you any perscription to have just in case? I just really hope for the babies that you can make it! I will tell ya now it will get pretty darn uncomfortable (but I'm sure you know that and that's usual for anyone pregnant lol) esp. when you are measuring in at 40 weeks and you still have a few weeks to go until your due date! At least when the babies are inside you you can be a bit of a filter for them. When you get sick of course they feel it but you help to filter it and help them to build that immunity. The longer they can stay with you the better it will be especially this time of year and with all the new germs going around. Yuck! Plus, it will give you a few more weeks to be able to get out of the house before you become a "mommy of twins hermit" :) (which of course is NOT a bad thing at all. it sure does take getting use to at times though) :)

YIKES, this is so long! Sorry :)

Amber said...

I'm not sure if my doctor is going to give me anything pill wise. He just said if my body goes into labor (water breaking and all the above) then he wont try and stop it anymore. I'm hoping to make it to at least 38 weeks, I would hate to leave them at the hospital if something were wrong. I remember you talking about people touching them and how annoyed you were by it because they are so vulnerable to illness. I think that may be a hard thing for me to tell people to get away but then again maybe not. We'll see.

Rissy & Spence said...

Hi Amber, I hope & pray that u can make it to 38wks because our heavenly father will let ur body know when the right time to have ur little princesses. Stay business it getting closer & u will be a gr8 parent. I hope & pray that everything will be okay for u. Love ur friend, Marissa TTYL