Friday, July 10, 2009

A Decision Has Been Made

We have finally decided on car seats and a stroller. We've been to every store we can think of loooking for a pattern that we liked that came in double and finally it was found at Fashion Place Mall. It's Graco and the colors are charcoal gray and green (just in case you can't tell). We even got a killer deal on it because of the sale. Most places we went wanted close to $600.00 dollars for the set and we ended up paying $380.00 for this. It was too good of a deal to pass up. We had planned on picking car seats before we knew the genders of the babies just so we wouldn't be influenced by the pink flowers if they were girls. So, we love them and are so happy.


WonderKitty said...

Very, very cute. I cant wait to hear what you are having!

Heidi and Sam said...

Oh two carseats that makes it real!!! Not that it wasn't before. It's just seeing two carseats....Oh you get my point! I am so way excited for you :) Very cute; good choice. We need to have another gno. Maybe before my surgery... That I am having on your birthday. We could celebrate your birthday and my surgery :) Let me know. Anyway congrats on the stroller and carseats.

Screaming Grasshopper said...

now you need to buy two little dolls to sit in the carseats so you can REALLY get the image..... The carseats totally make it real sister! I just get more and more excited for you the closer it is!

Congratulations on being out of the first trimester!!!
